fourtytree years

+998 (97) 434 87 55 info@elkon.uz4000 Concrete Batching Plants Over 130 Countries in 6 Continents

Author : Elkon / Date : 2015-11-17
ELKON Concrete Batching Plant - Second Largest Onshore Wind Farm to Build in Scotland

The Scottish government has approved Scottish Power Renewables' (SPR) plans to build the 288MW Kilgallioch wind farm, which will be located south of Barrhill in Scotland. The wind power project, which will feature 96 turbines, is anticipated to meet the annual electricity demand of over 170,000 households in the region.

The Kilgallioch wind farm will become second largest onshore wind project in United Kingdom and it will contribute towards carbon reduction targets of both Scotland and UK.

A subsidiary of CRH Plc, the leading construction materials producer from Belfast was responsible for construction of this project. CRH is one of the world’s leading building materials companies, with a business that spans 37 countries and which serves all segments of construction industry demand. CRH subsidiary companies employ over 90,000 people at around 4,000 locations around the world and including their new assets from Lafarge Holcim, generated proforma sales of €24 billion in 2014.

The excavation and construction of the first turbine bases are anticipated to begin on this month with concrete works to be supported via the establishment of an onsite batching plant, ELKON Mobile Master-100 Lion.

ELKON Mobile Master-100 Lion mobile concrete plant having significant advantages such us quick installation, less installation area and minimum foundation requirements was selected with its heavy duty design and high mobility features as well as proved product quality and performance.



: Gazeteciler Sitesi, Dergiler Sokak No:13 Esentepe


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